Keeping an eye on health

We take a holistic approach with the aim of promoting an important resource of mindfulness and offering you a place to relax. A place where you can recharge your batteries, develop new perspectives and have the opportunity to concentrate on the here and now.

Learn more about biophilic design and its impact on mental health.

Nature in focus

The so-called "Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)" has shown that health is increasingly being affected by the use of artificial materials and their emissions, such as the widespread use of computers. In addition, workplace design is often too monotonous and artificial air conditioning is disproportionate. In the worst case, this results in work absences and subsequent psychological disorders such as depression and burnout syndrome. A well-designed workplace and a suitable working environment can therefore actively contribute to promoting health [1] .

M. Sc. Psychologist Martin Schinköth

"As a trained psychologist, I pursue a holistic approach with the aim of promoting the quality of life through an optimized work and room climate, as well as offering clinical-therapeutic support through my natural works of art ."

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Mental health and exposure to nature

According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), the term "health" includes not only physical but also mental and psychological well-being within the framework of a holistic approach. Increasing urbanization leads to a distancing of one's own body and mind from its environment, as well as an awareness of a natural human-environment relationship (Polz-Watzenig, 2020). Sufficient recovery phases serve as a preventive factor against physical and mental illnesses (Ensinger et al., 2017).

"The aim of nature recreation research is to find out to what extent basic psychological needs can be restored through a healthy human-environment relationship" (Gebhard, 2020).

( In the picture you can see a nature exposure in combination with a mindfulness training, in front of an artificially imitated natural area - vivarium ) .


Health-promoting indoor greening

Scientific findings have shown that biophilic and salutogenic design structures, e.g. plants and images of nature, can improve the aesthetics of rooms and reduce stress [2]. Virtual and artificial environments that represent nature can also promote the experience of experiencing nature and thus contribute to general well-being [3].

( In the picture you can see a relaxation room concept with biophilic and salutogenic design structures, for the application of nature- and mindfulness-based intervention methods ).

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M. Sc. Psychologist Martin Schinköth

"In the area of ​​the psychotropic effects of artificially created habitats, I was able to examine the positive effects, as well as the combination possibilities of mindfulness and nature exposure [4] on mental health, in a spatial environment. Accordingly, the intervention method had a positive effect on the perceived stress experience (effect size f = 0.96) and led to a significant reduction in heart rate (p = .015)."

"In my work as a psychological counselor, I use the health-promoting effects of exposure to nature to facilitate access to sensitive topics and to promote recovery processes through relaxation techniques in the sense of emotion and stress regulation, e.g. mindfulness training, autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation and meditation."

"In the future, I would like to work with interested companies to enable the positive effects of exposure to nature on mental health in spatial environments and thus make a positive contribution to corporate health promotion."